Tuesday, June 30, 2009

McDonald's auto drink filler is not yay

I can no longer go to the drive through at the McDonald's by my office due to the lameness of the automated drink filler - or maybe it's the lameness of the employees working the window. Whichever. Our relationship is over. I can only go in now.

In theory, the auto drink filler should be a good idea. And for people who don't like ice, maybe it is. But for those of us that want extra ice? Oh no. It just doesn't work. Because either the machine has no button for extra ice, or people don't know how to actually pour soda out and manually put extra ice in. Apparently, it's really hard. Because on my last adventure, when I said (to the person, not the machine), "I wanted extra ice in the Coke please." She said, "I can't do that." ...and then muttered something about the machine. Um, yeah...okay. "Could I get an extra cup of ice then please?" Apparently, "the machine" could handle that.

So now, I go in. And get my own ice.

Automated Drink Filler and Drive Through Personnel? You fail.

Monday, June 29, 2009

I wear my sunglasses at work

Anyone remember that Corey Hart song from the 80s? I wear my sunglasses at night? Always a fave of mine. Today, however, I wear my sunglasses at work because it is seriously so freaking bright in my office. I'm not complaining about the sun, and yes, I could pull the blinds, but that sort of defeats the purpose of having a window, right?

Of course, those of you that know me well know that I really do wear my sunglasses at night...it's how I roll...

Saturday, June 27, 2009

In my dreams, I live outside

I just woke up from a (typical) land-of-the-bizarre dream. In this morning's scenario, my couch and TV, as well as my end table (which I don't actually have), were outside...in some sort of public venue...where there was grass and big tables with chairs. And I was sleeping on my couch, and people moved my TV to watch it while I was snoozing, and when I woke up (in the dream), I moved the couch back to its proper location...next to the mailbox...that's right. The mailbox. But I couldn't figure out how to move the TV or how it got moved in the first place. And then, a parade began to form...which is why there were so many other people around. And then I woke up for real...where I was sleeping on the couch...after falling asleep watching TV.

My brain is cracked!

Friday, June 26, 2009

Moth #2 - Evicted

That's right. The moth that found its way into my house Wednesday night has been evicted. Dismissed. Destroyed.

Seen this morning on Moth-Twitter: Fear the Carrie. Light elsewhere. She is the destroyer. #avoiddestruction

Thursday, June 25, 2009

The moths, they taunt me

Okay, so, if you haven't done so already, please read my earlier full blog on the moth subject. This saga started in Vegas.

... pausing while you read other post ...

Last night, a moth found its way into my house. Not anywhere near the size of the mothra in Vegas, but dizzying enough to annoy me. At the end of the day, he hid, and I could not find him. I'm sure he's wandering my halls right now laughing. Or, he's possibly using moth-twitter to tell all his little moth friends about me, because one of his cousins just showed up in my office. What??? I have not seen this many moths in one week in years. I'm starting to wonder if they like my shampoo.

Moths, you do not please me. Please, get out.

My purse doesn't listen

Why is it that when I sling my purse over my arm while getting out of the car it doesn't stay? Why must it always slide down my arm almost causing me to drop whatever is in my hand (usually a drink of some variety - Coke, Iced Tea, etc.)? And why, oh why, doesn't it listen when I tell it to stay? Seriously. This happens almost every day. And no matter how much discussion I have with my purse before getting out of the car, it fails me.

Obstinate purse. You do not please me.