I have no idea how to connect the dots from my dreams last night other than to say that my brain is completely cracked and I took Benadryl before getting in bed.
Part 1
I'm in a hotel with Booth and Bones and Bones is rinsing out whatever crap she's found in the shower. I recall there being a bug of some sort and naturally she's like "whatever" and Booth and I are grossed out. Later, I get 3 phone calls from Booth and he's not exactly sober...in these calls he basically tells me that he loves me and then when I see him later, it's awkward, especially when I discover he's made the same calls to Bones. I'm not exactly clear what happened next as it all becomes a blur. I suppose watching Bones before going to bed MIGHT have had something to do with this part of the dream...
Part 2
Somehow I appear at work sight where there might be logging occurring, but I'm not exactly clear, it just seemed like we were in the woods. And there were a lot of big rigs. I was there with a couple of my current employees and we were apparently trying to meet with several of the workers to collect data but they keep leaving the table for one reason or another. And we just sit there looking at each other and basically saying "figures". Yeah. It was strange. At some point in the dream we may have been riding in one of these big rigs, but I'm not completely clear anymore.
I definitely like Part 1 of the dream better and would be more than happy to continue that tonight...