Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Facebook thinks I'm a tween...

You know how on Facebook they now have these recommended pages or friends or things they think you should do?

  • Contact so and haven't been in touch for a while.
  • Be this person's friend...12 of your friends are their friend.
  • People who like this also like this.
  • 12 of your friends like this (and therefore you should like it too).

Yeah. It's fun. Here's what I found today...don't judge...

Hmmm...maybe I AM a tween...

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Now back to me...

I just posted a dream from a friend of mine that I've been meaning to post for days. Apparently my own dreams got jealous of my friends and decided to get crazier than usual last night. I'm not even sure I can accurately describe everything, but trust me, it was nutty.

In my dream, I was chatting with a good friend whose name I won't mention - protecting the innocent, all that - and she tells me that the extra fat I see is the good kind, like, she's intimating that she's pregnant. I don't really say much, but then she says she's okay with it because she's engaged and it's all okay. I seem to be annoyed by this and am likely about to tell her that when suddenly, I'm in a courtroom.

I'm not exactly clear what's happening in this courtroom because I'm not there long, but there was definitely some sort of trial going on. I'm not clear if I was on trial or if I was a lawyer or just some crazy passerby. But moments later, I was on a road.

And as I was driving down this road, people were stopping and plugging in their Apple products - I know this because all the plugs were small, square and white. I see some people from church that I haven't seen in months, and they are going on and on about how great it is that the State of California installed all these power things along the road. I start looking at it to determine if it's solar, but I can't figure it out and don't really understand why they are literally every 5-8 feet. So I get back in my car and continue on my way. And apparently, I was on my way to Rome. I had no idea it was so close to the US!

So I'm driving and I appear to be just driving over some hills. There's no actual road, although I see a road in the distance. I definitely have a mission, and as I look at a map, I see that I'm near the Trevvi Fountain. Yes, I realize the actual spelling is Trevi, but in my dream, it had two v's. So, I start looking for the sign for this fountain, and sure enough, I pass it, and it's down this tiny little dirt road, and not that I've ever been to the real Trevi Fountain, but trust me when I say, this wasn't it. Though there are all kinds of people looking around what appears to be a giant cement well. And naturally, I run into my friend Tasha and her son and another child that I have no idea who is. She proceeds to tell me this other child is a bit of a nightmare to travel with. So we wander around, and there are also folding chairs so people can sit, and then someone gets up to talk, maybe to extol the value of the fountain. She's wearing a red robe, much like a priest might wear, though I'm certain she wasn't a priest. She's starts talking, then it's really a man talking, and three more people get up behind him in white robes, as though they're going to sing. I even make a comment about them being angels.

Moments later I'm looking around for something and, oh yes, my good friends Booth and Bones are there. And clearly something's happened, and we're trying to figure out what. So Bones sneaks into a building that just happened to appear, and she's breaking open bars of chocolate and finds something hidden in one.

And then, I'm standing in front of WVU men's basketball coach Bob Huggins. Because, you know, that's how all crazy dreams should end.

Still not the only one that's crazy...

Another friend of mine that regularly reads this blog shared a crazy dream she had...and so naturally, I'm going to share it with read on for the crazy dream goodness brought to you by Jenna (reprinted with permission from the email she sent me last week)...

I had a dream about you last night. Well... you weren't in it, but you were there indirectly. You see, I was a trainer for Adobe, teaching people how to make PDFs accessible. I had my cool sweater with the Adobe logo on it and my laptop and projector in a little rolling bag, all set to go out to customer sites and teach classes. I drove over to CSUEB and fought through the whole parking thing and then rolled my bag into this building. Inside the building there was a reception desk, but no one was around. I figured I was a bit early, so I waited. Eventually, two women came walking in talking and chatting. One of them was that lawyer Kim from Drop Dead Diva, and she sat down in the receptionist's chair. She totally ignored me and kept talking to her friend about where they went for lunch. So I'm standing there looking at her. Finally, finally she looks over at me and I say, "I'm here to see Carrie." Then she gives me this "look" and says, "Why don't you give her a call and let her know you're here?" WHAT? I can't BELIEVE this woman is being so snippy with me. As politely as I can, I ask her, "Aren't you the receptionist?" but she just gives me that "look" again. Just as I'm turning around to pull out my cell phone... I woke up. Thought you'd get a laugh out of it.

It's nice to know that I'm not the only one that thinks Kim on DDD is evil. Thanks for sharing Jenna!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

It's not just me that's crazy!

It's so refreshing to know I'm not the only crazy dreamer out there...please enjoy this guest blog from my friend Jeff...

The other night I had a vivid dream that struck me as both bizarre and funny. This made me instantly think of my friend Carrie who has a blog where she sometimes shares her funny dreams. I shared what my dream was about and she is letting me have a guest post. Thanks Carrie, enjoy.

Axl wants to be my friend.

So there I was hanging out with some friends who somehow were friends with Axl Rose from Guns N' Roses. Axl remembered meeting me one other time and for some strange reason he really wanted to be my friend. He was really amused when I told him the story of how my conservative mother-in-law saw Guns N' Roses open for the Rolling Stones along with Living Color. At the show Axl wore leather pants with the butt cut out (this is the only part of my dream that was true). The Axl in my dream was a much more decently dressed and well-groomed version. He then convinced me to go out to lunch with him to a deli in a seedy part of LA. As he was driving me around in his SUV, he asked me if I would help him revive his music career. I said I would and we ended up at a warehouse with a stage. He then starting performing with a band and for some reason I was sitting high up on the side of the stage. During his performance he climbed above me and jumped off of a ledge expecting me to catch him. I barely did which saved him from falling to his death. At some point we were driving around and Axl took me to a lingerie shop which was attached to a strip club. He seemed to frequent this club and was trying to convince me to go in. I then proceeded to explain why I don't go to strip clubs and he said that he respected me for standing up for what I believe in. The last thing I remember before being woken up by my 4-year-old was walking off into the distance. As a side note, I have never been much of a fan of Guns N' Roses.

Thanks Jeff! Anytime you want to share your crazy again, just let me know...

Friday, June 4, 2010

In my dreams I sing with Bon Jovi and have a million iPods

Oh you mess with my brain...In the 3 1/2 hours I slept last night, I did have a rather crazy dream...I do believe I'm obsessed with celebrity...but I digress...

So, first of all, I had 5 iPod shuffles...the ones that are the clip...and they are that electric blue color (much like the one I own). I was at some sort of event, and I handed these out to people to try. Like I was some sort of iPod guru trying to convince them they needed one. So, some people start playing with them, and then they sort of get strewn about and end up under a table in some sort of line, and then there's a dog playing with them. Yes. A dog. And so I crawled under the table to retrieve them and when I got up to look for the last one or two, people just started bringing me iPods of all shapes and sizes. Nanos, classics, old, new, but all either red or white. So I have this armful of iPods and I walk into another building which is sort of like a trailer but huge and then I don't have them anymore. 

Then, I'm with a friend - honestly can't remember who now, but I did know her, and she's informing me that I'll be singing such and such a song with Bon Jovi. And this seemed like a surprise to me, but then Jon walked up and he just starts talking to me about how we're going to do it and it seems perfectly he's going to the sing the first verse and chorus and then I should sing the second and he'll harmonize with me. 

Seriously. I couldn't make this stuff up people! 

And so then he sits down on these random folding chairs and I wander around this trailer/makeshift green room and find little silicon cupcake molds and think it's odd, but I put them down and close the cabinet. But then I really wanted a cupcake. By the way, we don't practice the song or anything. We just know it's going to happen. So, a few minutes later, I see David Bryan (Bon Jovi's keyboardist) and he just sort of wanders by. No idea where Richie was. But then Jon gets up to go to the stage and says he'll announce me, and so I wait a second, and then my alarm went off. Dang it!!! Now I'll never know how good we sounded together...