So. I'm in Texas. Small town Texas. Adjacent to crazy college town Texas. And I seriously hate Halloween right now.
I'm here visiting my grandparents and they live in a more rural area of this small town, which is actually not that far from the main town, but there are some windy roads and lots of trees, and well, it's dark. So, I left their place tonight to head back to my's only 5 or 6 miles, and a fairly straight shot after you're done with winding. And I was almost back to the hotel...had pulled off the highway and was sitting at a light waiting to turn left.
That's when they pulled up next to me.
The crazy scary clowns.
Yes. That's right. Clowns.
You'll notice there's no photo in this blog because I hate clowns. HATE THEM. Poltergeist anyone? Yeah. I have zero need for clowns in my life, especially not grownish people dressed up like the crazy scary ones. It would have been one thing if they were just sitting in the car. I could have ignored them. But no. The one in the passenger seat was staring right at me through his crazy scary clown mask, and at first I thought, "yeah, ha ha, you're a scary clown..." And then he opened his door.
And the stupid light was still red, and he starts taking off his seatbelt and starting to get out of the car. Seriously. And in my mind I'm saying, "they're just trying to freak me kids out to mess with the townies..."; and then I'm saying, to my mom whom I'm talking to on the phone at the time, "these clowns are freaking me out and I'm about to run this light."
And so, I pulled into the intersection. I was seriously going to run it. But there was a huge semi coming from the other direction, and I wasn't completely clear who had the green light, so I stopped, but the clowns were still out of their car, and so I turned right across two lanes and went the other direction on the road, hoping beyond hope they wouldn't follow me. I saw them turn left and flipped a u-turn and drove slowly back toward my original destination. I could see them in the car, a light or so ahead of me, and I made sure they were gone and didn't see me turn toward my hotel.
I seriously don't think I've ever been that freaked out. I made my mom stay on the phone with me until I was back in my room, and of course, I'm totally fine, and those idiots will go back to college tomorrow with a story about how they scared some girl out of her mind. They are sooooo invited to bite me. I really can't articulate how deeply I'm engraving those invitations either.
It's stupid. I live in a large city. I've visited and stayed in numerous large cities. Nothing has ever freaked me out this much. I mean, rural Texas, Halloween, scary just doesn't add up well...