It's no secret to anyone that knows me that I don't really like shoes. If I had my druthers I'd wear flip flops every day for every occasion, so the idea that in my dream I'd be shopping for boots is just plain ridiculous. Nonetheless...
The dream started with me looking at ankle know, the ones that barely cover the ankle and show off your leg if you bend over or cross your legs. I've never really understood these boots, but in my dream, this is what I was looking for. And I found two pair, one black and one brown, that were absolutely gorgeous. But I wasn't sure so I called in my good friend Tasha who is a boot afficiando, and she was less than impressed. She agreed that they were beautiful shoes, but was also concerned about how if you bent over or crossed your legs that they were just sort of there looking strange. We actually had quite a lengthy discussion about how they only reason I was really looking at boots at all was to cover my feet, not to keep my legs warm, but somehow she convinced me to get a taller boot, though not knee height. I don't think I was very excited about this and in the end, I didn't come away with any boots. That part seemed real, because there's truly no reason I'd ever spend my money on boots of any height.
The dream then morphed to me being in my old hometown of Laramie and I was running late for something, heading toward some school, though I wasn't sure which one. It's not that there are so many in Laramie, but there are enough to need to know where you're headed. Anyway...I was driving down Grand and decided to take a detour through McDonald's because I was certain I couldn't survive the day without a Coke. This part of the dream was actually very close to reality because I often make this sort of detour on my way to work now. Anyway...I pulled into the drive-through and as I did, I heard someone singing, and when I looked into the window to see who it was it was my old friend David from Laramie who actually used to work at McDonald's (oh yeah, I worked there too at one point in time) and then I think switched to Burger King at some point, but it was like I wasn't supposed to be there and he was surprised to see me when I waved from the drive-through lane. He stopped singing but I told him to finish then ordered a well done hashbrown and a medium Coke with extra ice. And yes, that's my normal order for breakfast at McDonald's.
Next thing I know I'm inside the restaurant getting the Coke and it keeps spilling on me because the lid won't stay on and as I'm trying to get it to stay one of David's daughters (who I don't know at all in real life and have no idea if this was his real daughter or not) started talking to me, and she worked there too. I started talking to her so I could figure out which school I was supposed to be going to since apparently I was going there to see one of her sisters. Sure. Why not? She told me and then I finally got the lid to stay on my cup and left the restaurant.
That's all there was though since the alarm rang about that time and woke me up before I even got a sip of the Coke. And yeah, I don't think I need to tell you that I'll be stopping at McDonald's on my way to work this morning because I'm practically salivating right now.