Sunday, April 10, 2011

In my dreams I ride in a school bus, hear Todd Carey and want Chick-fil-A...

I vaguely remember the first part of this dream...I was at a movie theatre, but then got picked up by a friend and proceeded to get into the school bus/winnebago thing he was driving. Inside said vehicle were his kids and a whole bunch of their friends. Meanwhile, his kids and their friends are all grown, one of them is even married in real life, but there they were, inside this vehicle...let's just go ahead and call it a bus.

So he's driving, and his daughter is in the passenger seat, but there's a seat between, so I slip in and we start to go. I attempt to sleep, but it's futile. I chat with his daughter for a while then move to the first bench of seating and pull out some crazy notebook that's long and skinny and has various activities/tasks on games you'd play when you're on a cross country road trip or something. I'm just sitting there flipping through it and then I hear a Todd Carey song coming from the boys behind me, and they're asking who sings it, and I'm telling them It's Todd Carey and am stunned that they're listening to it and more stunned that they like it. Because these are boys who like hip hop and r & b. But I go with it as the song plays.

Then as it plays, my friend's son starts talking about the lyrics to another Todd Carey song, asking if they are, in fact, from a Todd Carey song, and again I'm stunned and I'm like, "Yeah. And how do you even know that song?" And he just smiles and laughs and I have a new appreciation for him and his friends. 

At some point, my friend leaves the driver's seat and goes to the back of the bus to talk with the girls sitting back there, and no one's actually driving but we seem to be staying on the road. I reach into my bag and pull out my laptop and open it like I'm about to do something sneaky, which of course I'm not, but I open it and the boys are asking me all kinds of questions about it, but I'm sort of ignoring them, then end up closing it and putting it back in the bag.

Meanwhile, my friend's daughter decides she better take control of the bus because, in fact, we are about to go off the road, so she moves into the driver's seat and I sit in the passenger seat and neither of us are clear why her dad hasn't come back up front yet. 

We pull into a town and it is now clear that we're in Wyoming. Well sure. And there's a Chick-fil-A, but we don't stop, and I'm instantly bitter that there are no Chick-fil-A's where we live, but it's a short-lived bitterness as we keep driving.

Finally her dad comes back up, and takes over the wheel, and something's up, but we're not sure what, then we learn that someone has spent $80,000 and there's no money left and now we have to find out what happened.

And then...I woke up...And that my friends, is my own personal crazy.