Sunday, May 29, 2011

In my dreams, I hang with Craig T. Nelson, Lady Gaga and Justin Timberlake

So I just woke up from a dream where I was fly fishing with Craig T. Nelson. Yes. That's right. The dream wasn't terribly long, but basically, I was standing on the edge of very wide river, and I cast my line. And it appeared that I was almost doing it out of spite because CTN was going to go regular fishing, but then he pulled out a fly rod and joined me. On my second cast though, my line got caught in a tree and I had to cut it down, and it lost the fly so I had to think about how to get a new one on there. During the time I was cutting it down, CTN sent some kid to his trailer to get a new fly. No idea who the kid was, but then I went to the trailer and let myself in and started looking around for his tackle box so I could fix my line. He joined me a minute later and we opened a large tackle box that actually had live bait in it and we each took a small paper cup and plunged it into this box to get some new bait. Not sure why we needed bait since we were fly fishing, but then again, I'm not sure why I was doing any sort of fishing in my dream. After I had my cup full of bait, tiny little minnows, I woke up. If I had been watching A River Runs Through It before I went to bed, or maybe even Parenthood, I might understand why I dreamed this, but I have no freaking idea. However, it's not quite as bizarre as the dream I had just before it.

In the prior dream, I was in a huge department store. And I mean HUGE! Like 20 or 30 floors. It was insane. And I'm not exactly clear why I was there, but it was became apparent at some point that I was there to do something for Lady Gaga. Like I was filling in for someone. And so as I was sitting somewhere in the store one of her people said I should come down, and I told them I'd be there when I was finished, and I seemed bothered by it. And so I was sitting on a bench talking to some other people and one of those people just happened to be Justin Timberlake. And we were talking about some other musician and I was irritated that the other musician was becoming an actor and said to Justin something like, "Yeah. Wouldn't it be nice if these musicians who start acting actually made music again." And he thinks it's funny and we all laugh, and then Gaga joins us, and she's dressed like a regular person, not like her normal Gaga self, and we're all talking for a while and then I leave to go with her to do whatever it is I'm supposed to do. And that's all there was to that. But I at least get how Gaga and JT were in my brain after last week's SNL. Not sure about the department store part, but whatever.

And I didn't even take any medicine to get me into this crazy dream state today! Nope. I'm just CRAZY!!

Friday, May 27, 2011

In my dreams, there are lycans, phones, windows, doors and gloves...

Yeah, so it's a little after a midnight and I'm awake after some bizarre little dream snippets. I blame this completely on the Claritin, Advil and Pseudophed that I took to try to get rid of the headache that I still have. In addition, I blame part of it on falling asleep watching Bones.

Snippet #1:

I was in Bones, or working with the Bones team, or whatever. And there was a woman that looked like a mannequin Hodgens had seen, and we all thought he was crazy, but then somehow we knew he wasn't and we knew that this wasn't a woman but a woman who turned into some sort of creature like a lycan/werewolf. Yeah. I know. But it was a dream, what do you want? some point, this woman turns into this creature, and it's scary but fascinating, and there some sort of time limit involved where after she's gone we all have hair everywhere and have to get it off before something bad will happen, though I'm not clear what. There were also window shades involved, one of which I tried to close, and it was for a tiny window and it was maroon and vertical and way up high, and it seemed like my effort in closing it was rather large.

Snippet #2:

I'm in my house, though not my actual house, some random dream house, and the phone rings and the caller id says it's Jon somebody, and so I answer. Not because I know Jon somebody but because it seems like I should. And the guy says something like, "This is Jon calling for Carrie." And I answer that this is Carrie, and he starts talking about some sort of service that would be for an office, not a home, and so I stop him and say that he's reached a residence not a place of business, and he's shocked by this. Like he simply can't believe I'm not a business. And then he asks me something and it starts to freak me out, like maybe he knew I wasn't a business and was trying to find something out. And somehow in the middle of a sentence I pull the cord and disconnect him. And then the front door blows open, and the screen is open on the outside, and for that split second it IS my actual house. I kick the door closed, but it won't stay, so I examine it more closely and try to figure out how to close it. And then I decide to go outside and get the mail.

Snippet #3:

I'm at some sort of event, and both of my parents are there and it almost seems like they're still married, but I'm grown and it's confusing even in the dream. And there's a stage, and it's like it's at the front of a church, and suddenly I'm supposed to go up on it and dance with my dad, and we both think it's ridiculous and I trip going up the stairs because I'm laughing so much and for some reason we both have on gloves. My mom's sitting at a round table on the stage pushing us to the dance and so we both take off the gloves and start to dance, like some sort of waltz, which is foreign to both of us, and my mom's talking to us from the table as we try to make this happen despite the laughter, and it's all very hard. And then we make a turn and across the stage is my grandfather, also wearing gloves, and then there's some sort of scene, like he's going to do something on the stage, but no one's quite sure what. And then, Praise God, I woke up. 

I mean, what in the world??? My brain is seriously cracked. It's not like I took all that medicine at once today. It was spread out from 8am to 8pm. Can you say crazy? Yes. I thought you could.

UPDATE: And the fun continues! I fell back asleep only to wake up nearly two hours later from this little gem of a dream...

My mom and I were in an airport waiting idea what airport and no idea where we'd been or where we were going, but there we were, in the airport waiting to leave. And while we were waiting I was on my laptop trying to book another ticket, though again, I have no idea where I was going. However, I booked a ticket from Dallas to somewhere on Alaska Airlines. And then I got really frustrated because I'd booked it from Dallas instead of San Jose, but it was non-refundable so then I was trying to find a flight from San Jose to Dallas on Southwest but they were routing me through Chicago and it wasn't going to get me to Dallas on time so I just gave up and said I'd try again later. And then a gate attendant person gave us our boarding passes and we'd been upgraded to First Class, so that was nice, but there was something strange about it and my mom and I weren't really sure what, but we just went with it. Then I decided I needed to go to the bathroom, so I gathered my things together and had somehow left my shoes in the middle of the aisle, spread out with tons and tons of stuff. My mom and I had bags everywhere! Anyway, my shoes were in the middle of the aisle and a very tall man using two canes and making jokes about how he couldn't walk well nearly tripped on one, and I felt horrible, but he just laughed and his wife just shook her head. I slipped my feet into my shoes and started my search for the bathroom. We'd seen one earlier, so I left the lounge area and went looking for it, but passed it somehow and ended up walking a little further to the next bathroom where a camera crew was filming some sort of news clip and I couldn't get in, so I had to go back and I never did find the bathroom and then I woke, because you know, I had to go to the bathroom!!

ANOTHER UPDATE: When I finally woke up for good I woke up from a horrible dream where I was running from some sort of mechanical spider that was going up and down a tree making this terrible clicking noise. There were several people with me, and it's almost like this was sort of alien being or something because we were scared. We gathered some things from the house and got in the car and drove to what appeared to be my great grandparents farm in Texas, and for a second, the house looked like it, but then we turned the corner and it was HUGE! And looked nothing like their real house did. And inside it was like a museum with stuff everywhere, and I was touring people around showing them where I played as a kid, including a playroom under a staircase. 

Seriously, I don't think I've ever had so many crazy dreams in one night. I'm almost afraid to close my eyes later tonight!