Sunday, May 29, 2011

In my dreams, I hang with Craig T. Nelson, Lady Gaga and Justin Timberlake

So I just woke up from a dream where I was fly fishing with Craig T. Nelson. Yes. That's right. The dream wasn't terribly long, but basically, I was standing on the edge of very wide river, and I cast my line. And it appeared that I was almost doing it out of spite because CTN was going to go regular fishing, but then he pulled out a fly rod and joined me. On my second cast though, my line got caught in a tree and I had to cut it down, and it lost the fly so I had to think about how to get a new one on there. During the time I was cutting it down, CTN sent some kid to his trailer to get a new fly. No idea who the kid was, but then I went to the trailer and let myself in and started looking around for his tackle box so I could fix my line. He joined me a minute later and we opened a large tackle box that actually had live bait in it and we each took a small paper cup and plunged it into this box to get some new bait. Not sure why we needed bait since we were fly fishing, but then again, I'm not sure why I was doing any sort of fishing in my dream. After I had my cup full of bait, tiny little minnows, I woke up. If I had been watching A River Runs Through It before I went to bed, or maybe even Parenthood, I might understand why I dreamed this, but I have no freaking idea. However, it's not quite as bizarre as the dream I had just before it.

In the prior dream, I was in a huge department store. And I mean HUGE! Like 20 or 30 floors. It was insane. And I'm not exactly clear why I was there, but it was became apparent at some point that I was there to do something for Lady Gaga. Like I was filling in for someone. And so as I was sitting somewhere in the store one of her people said I should come down, and I told them I'd be there when I was finished, and I seemed bothered by it. And so I was sitting on a bench talking to some other people and one of those people just happened to be Justin Timberlake. And we were talking about some other musician and I was irritated that the other musician was becoming an actor and said to Justin something like, "Yeah. Wouldn't it be nice if these musicians who start acting actually made music again." And he thinks it's funny and we all laugh, and then Gaga joins us, and she's dressed like a regular person, not like her normal Gaga self, and we're all talking for a while and then I leave to go with her to do whatever it is I'm supposed to do. And that's all there was to that. But I at least get how Gaga and JT were in my brain after last week's SNL. Not sure about the department store part, but whatever.

And I didn't even take any medicine to get me into this crazy dream state today! Nope. I'm just CRAZY!!

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