Tuesday, October 25, 2011

In my dreams, Kate Voegele and I drive through a snowstorm

So I went to see Kate Voegele and Parachute in concert last night and naturally, had a dream involving Kate. I had one about Parachute a few nights ago so I suppose it's only fair for me to involve Kate in my crazy too.

The dream started with Kate and me driving down a highway, which looked suspiciously like Highway 1 between Pacifica and San Francisco. The weather was nice and we were chatting away like old friends, which I'm sure we would be if we'd ever actually met. We're in a fairly small car, and it's packed full of stuff. 

Without warning the road and our surroundings become pitch black, like so black you can't even see our headlights. She's driving at this point (I was driving in the beginning) and seems to have complete control over the car. I'm freaking out a bit because of the darkness but feel like she knows what she's doing so attempt to relax. That's when the car starts sliding on the ice and suddenly we're in a snowstorm, but shortly thereafter we arrive in a small town and pull over by a park.

We get out of the car, and it's sort of cold but no longer snowing, so we wander in and there are several large picnic areas, all covered and all but one empty. The other one is crammed full of people and we find someone outside to ask about the address we're looking for. He tells us we're there, and Kate starts talking to him about where she's supposed to be playing.

He says he'd like to hear something with a drum, and she says she's got a kettle drum. This seems to disappoint him but he moves on. It doesn't appear like he was expecting us but he's glad there's going to be some entertainment. She asks about electricity for my piano but it doesn't look like that's an option but the guy says I should be able to improvise and neither of us know what he means.

We wandered back to the car, confused but ready to play and then another guy shows up (in a black pea coat I might point out ... apparently I have a thing for men in pea coats) and it seems like he's the backup singer. I'm not clear why he wasn't with us but it makes sense for him to be there so we all start to unload the car.

The dream then shifts and the three of us are walking down a hall and an older lady behind us comments about me wearing flip flops and shorts and I turn around and smile then laugh and tell her I'm crazy.

And that was it...woke up a few seconds later shaking my head...thankful I have these kinds of dreams as opposed to nightmares...crazy as they are, they are definitely entertaining...at least to me...

Saturday, October 22, 2011

In my dreams, I have lunch with Will from Parachute and also meet Joe Thornton

I see I haven't posted something crazy in nearly two months...apparently life has been too busy to be crazy. But as I woke up on the morning of day one of my vacation, I remembered my dream and it was, a little bit crazy...
I'm not sure where I was in this dream, but there was a library and a huge restaurant across from what appeared to be a hotel, possibly where I was staying. I was with a friend but I've never actually seen this person in my life so no idea who she was. We saw the lead singer of the band Parachute (that's him on the left when I saw them play at the Mountain Winery this summer) in our hotel and were very excited about it. Somehow, I met him and we made a plan to have lunch. Sure. Because that happens ALL the time.

I went to the restaurant to meet him but didn't see him when I came in so sat down and waited. While I was waiting I fell asleep and didn't realized he was sitting in another part of the restaurant the whole time. When I woke up, feeling stupid and embarrassed I walked by the whole band at a table and made eye contact and tried to convey that I felt bad. He just looked at me and I walked back to the hotel knowing that I'd missed my chance. I saw him at some point and apologized all over the place and he seemed cool with it.

In the next scene I was actually having lunch with him, only it wasn't actually him. It was some random gorgeous guy I've never seen in real life (but certainly wouldn't mind seeing!). He was tall, with perfect hair and a perfect smile and wearing a black pea coat. I apologized again and again, explained what happened, and he was totally fine with it.

The scene morphed again and I was having lunch with my friend, but leaning against a rail on the second floor of the restaurant, which, by the way, was HUGE. He was smiling and leaning over me a bit, and I was giggling and flirting and we were definitely getting along.

A few minutes later my friend and I were leaving the restaurant and walked by him and some of his band mates and he jumped up and joined us, waving goodbye to his friends. And things were going great until I saw Joe Thornton (picture courtesy of The Mercury News), and also my friend Jill. I turned to Will and my other friend and told them I'd just be a minute then ran over and said hi to Jill who was equally as excited to see Joe in this random restaurant. He was signing things for people and weirdly, we both had ticket stubs from what appeared to be a home game, though also appeared to be from his 1000th game (which actually took place last night in New Jersey, not in San Jose...details...). He was wearing shorts and his jersey with a black coat and was more than happy to sign my ticket. I fumbled with my phone and got it into camera mode then handed it to Jill to take a photo of us. Joe was very gracious and bent down (he's in the vicinity of 2 feet taller than me!) and smiled and put his arm around my shoulder for the photo. I thanked him then walked away with Jill who was trying to get her phone into camera mode, then I was like, "Hey, don't you want your picture with him too?" And we headed back and I took her picture with him, then thanked him again and told him to have a good afternoon. He was like, "Hey thanks. You too!" I expect this is exactly how it would be if I ever ran into him in a real restaurant.

Jill and I walked away, and then I picked up a box that I'd apparently had the whole time and struggled with closing the lid. I looked around to find Will and my other friend but didn't see them so headed for the door, and while we were standing there waiting to go through Will, who had morphed into someone else completely, gave me a sneer and then said, in a very snarky tone, "Guess you weren't that sorry."

I stood there dumbfounded and then, naturally, woke up...

Trust me...if this had happened in real life I would have been extremely sorry! On a side note, I'm seeing Parachute in concert on Monday night...wonder if Will will remember me... :-)