Saturday, December 3, 2011

In my dreams, I know Justin and Britney

I can only blame the media and the posts I saw on tumblr yesterday for the brief dream I remember from last night.

I was roaming about a hotel in what I can only assume was Florida. There was a lot of water around and well, I just know it was Florida. The hotel was located in such a way that you could see the ocean, or some body of water, from both sides of it, and it was in a triangle shape.

I found myself sitting at a table in a large restaurant that was completely empty. It was clearly a fancy restaurant based on the linens and table settings and a few minutes after I sat down Justin Timberlake joined me. Yes, you read that right. JT himself. But it was a younger version of JT, not the current version. He was very excited because he was about to propose to Britney. Yes, that Britney. She appeared and as he stood to greet her the ring box fell to the ground. I bent down to pick it up and seriously, it said Dude! on the top of it. I handed it back to him and he opened it and presented it to Britney and of course she squealed and said yes and when I caught a glimpse of what was inside there was a ring and four or five small diamonds that Justin said were for him.

It seemed that we were all very good friends in the dream because we rejoiced together and were actually sharing a hotel suite. I left them to celebrate and went wandering around the hotel. Outside it was storming but I opened a sliding glass door and went outside anyway then came back in and called my mom to tell her what had happened.

That's all I remember but I think that's more than enough to qualify for this blog.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

In my dreams, I help Taylor Swift launch her new perfume

There is no possible explanation for this dream other than this: I'm completely cracked.

The dream started with me getting a packet of information about a trip I was taking. The trip? To join Taylor Swift in LA when she launched her new perfume. Uh huh. You read that right. The perfume was called Rapture and there was a photo of Taylor wearing a black evening gown on the itinerary. It seemed completely normal that I was going to this, and I read through the details and prepared to go. It also appeared that the reason I was going had something to do with ASU.

It was totally random because the flight left at like 10 at night and then there were activities in the middle of the night in LA and the launch was the next day. I wasn't quite clear why it was being done that way but didn't bother asking anyone about it.

At some point while I was perusing the itinerary Nathan Angelo (that's him on the right) walked out of his apartment, which was, apparently, directly across from where I was reading this information. He smiled his Nathan smile, laughed, then went on his merry way.

The dream shifted to an airplane, which was clearly Southwest based on the colors and the flight attendants but it was anything BUT a Southwest plane. It was more like an old school DC10 with tons of room between the aisles and seats on both sides and in the middle. My mom was with me and for some random reason we weren't sitting together.

I looked back to her seat and she was less than pleased. The guy behind her, a grown up, was pushing on her seat and kicking it and being a complete jerk. I told her to move and tried to find a flight attendant. Then for some reason I moved and my mom did move but still not by me. I was sitting by the window and no one sat next to me. And then, I guess, we flew.

At some point someone was asking why I was involved in the whole event and my mom said it was a rifle team reunion, which made absolutely no sense (I was not involved with the rifle team at ASU, that was WVU). I shook my head and said, "No. It's because I'm awesome." To be fair, that actually does sound like something I'd say.

I got to LA and my mom was no longer with me but I met my friend Tasha, also involved in the event, at the airport. She was wearing a black and white evening gown and I was wearing a red one. Someone whispered that her ride would be there soon and she told them she would rather wait for her husband to pick us up. The person that talked to her seemed annoyed but went away.

Moments later we were on a bus but it was just like the plane. Tasha told me I should print my itinerary, and I was confused since I had a copy of it, but it was on red paper and I got up and walked to the printers on the other side of the bus. I put the paper down to print it and saw someone take their credit card out of it then walked back to my seat, still by the window in the exact same place it was on the plane, and there were two people sitting there taking pictures out of the window.

I asked them what they were doing there and they said those were their seats. I told them they were sitting in my seat and they got really snotty about it. When I asked if they would just give me my bag still sitting under the seat they refused and I had to call a flight attendant - yes, they were on the bus too. She was less than helpful so I reached under and grabbed the bag and then I woke up.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

In my dreams, Kate Voegele and I drive through a snowstorm

So I went to see Kate Voegele and Parachute in concert last night and naturally, had a dream involving Kate. I had one about Parachute a few nights ago so I suppose it's only fair for me to involve Kate in my crazy too.

The dream started with Kate and me driving down a highway, which looked suspiciously like Highway 1 between Pacifica and San Francisco. The weather was nice and we were chatting away like old friends, which I'm sure we would be if we'd ever actually met. We're in a fairly small car, and it's packed full of stuff. 

Without warning the road and our surroundings become pitch black, like so black you can't even see our headlights. She's driving at this point (I was driving in the beginning) and seems to have complete control over the car. I'm freaking out a bit because of the darkness but feel like she knows what she's doing so attempt to relax. That's when the car starts sliding on the ice and suddenly we're in a snowstorm, but shortly thereafter we arrive in a small town and pull over by a park.

We get out of the car, and it's sort of cold but no longer snowing, so we wander in and there are several large picnic areas, all covered and all but one empty. The other one is crammed full of people and we find someone outside to ask about the address we're looking for. He tells us we're there, and Kate starts talking to him about where she's supposed to be playing.

He says he'd like to hear something with a drum, and she says she's got a kettle drum. This seems to disappoint him but he moves on. It doesn't appear like he was expecting us but he's glad there's going to be some entertainment. She asks about electricity for my piano but it doesn't look like that's an option but the guy says I should be able to improvise and neither of us know what he means.

We wandered back to the car, confused but ready to play and then another guy shows up (in a black pea coat I might point out ... apparently I have a thing for men in pea coats) and it seems like he's the backup singer. I'm not clear why he wasn't with us but it makes sense for him to be there so we all start to unload the car.

The dream then shifts and the three of us are walking down a hall and an older lady behind us comments about me wearing flip flops and shorts and I turn around and smile then laugh and tell her I'm crazy.

And that was it...woke up a few seconds later shaking my head...thankful I have these kinds of dreams as opposed to nightmares...crazy as they are, they are definitely least to me...

Saturday, October 22, 2011

In my dreams, I have lunch with Will from Parachute and also meet Joe Thornton

I see I haven't posted something crazy in nearly two months...apparently life has been too busy to be crazy. But as I woke up on the morning of day one of my vacation, I remembered my dream and it was, a little bit crazy...
I'm not sure where I was in this dream, but there was a library and a huge restaurant across from what appeared to be a hotel, possibly where I was staying. I was with a friend but I've never actually seen this person in my life so no idea who she was. We saw the lead singer of the band Parachute (that's him on the left when I saw them play at the Mountain Winery this summer) in our hotel and were very excited about it. Somehow, I met him and we made a plan to have lunch. Sure. Because that happens ALL the time.

I went to the restaurant to meet him but didn't see him when I came in so sat down and waited. While I was waiting I fell asleep and didn't realized he was sitting in another part of the restaurant the whole time. When I woke up, feeling stupid and embarrassed I walked by the whole band at a table and made eye contact and tried to convey that I felt bad. He just looked at me and I walked back to the hotel knowing that I'd missed my chance. I saw him at some point and apologized all over the place and he seemed cool with it.

In the next scene I was actually having lunch with him, only it wasn't actually him. It was some random gorgeous guy I've never seen in real life (but certainly wouldn't mind seeing!). He was tall, with perfect hair and a perfect smile and wearing a black pea coat. I apologized again and again, explained what happened, and he was totally fine with it.

The scene morphed again and I was having lunch with my friend, but leaning against a rail on the second floor of the restaurant, which, by the way, was HUGE. He was smiling and leaning over me a bit, and I was giggling and flirting and we were definitely getting along.

A few minutes later my friend and I were leaving the restaurant and walked by him and some of his band mates and he jumped up and joined us, waving goodbye to his friends. And things were going great until I saw Joe Thornton (picture courtesy of The Mercury News), and also my friend Jill. I turned to Will and my other friend and told them I'd just be a minute then ran over and said hi to Jill who was equally as excited to see Joe in this random restaurant. He was signing things for people and weirdly, we both had ticket stubs from what appeared to be a home game, though also appeared to be from his 1000th game (which actually took place last night in New Jersey, not in San Jose...details...). He was wearing shorts and his jersey with a black coat and was more than happy to sign my ticket. I fumbled with my phone and got it into camera mode then handed it to Jill to take a photo of us. Joe was very gracious and bent down (he's in the vicinity of 2 feet taller than me!) and smiled and put his arm around my shoulder for the photo. I thanked him then walked away with Jill who was trying to get her phone into camera mode, then I was like, "Hey, don't you want your picture with him too?" And we headed back and I took her picture with him, then thanked him again and told him to have a good afternoon. He was like, "Hey thanks. You too!" I expect this is exactly how it would be if I ever ran into him in a real restaurant.

Jill and I walked away, and then I picked up a box that I'd apparently had the whole time and struggled with closing the lid. I looked around to find Will and my other friend but didn't see them so headed for the door, and while we were standing there waiting to go through Will, who had morphed into someone else completely, gave me a sneer and then said, in a very snarky tone, "Guess you weren't that sorry."

I stood there dumbfounded and then, naturally, woke up...

Trust me...if this had happened in real life I would have been extremely sorry! On a side note, I'm seeing Parachute in concert on Monday night...wonder if Will will remember me... :-)

Monday, August 29, 2011

In my dreams, there are hockey players, musicians and actors...

I can only blame this craziness on the Benadryl I took to combat the impending itch from sunburn. I mean, what is going on in my brain? As happens many times when I dream there are multiple snippets that flow together but make absolutely no sense on the waking side of it. Here we go...

In the first part of my dream I was friends with numerous San Jose Sharks hockey players and their wives; in fact, I think I was babysitting some of their babies. Trust me...even if I knew these people the likelihood of me taking care of their children is almost nil. Anyway...I was definitely in good with Joe Thornton and his wife and their baby, even holding the baby when Joe was passing out bouquets of roses to his wife and other Sharks wives. That's right. Roses. Sure. Why not?

At some point in this dream the scene shifted to a large bathroom where George Costanza was headed to take a shower, but the shower was really dirty; like someone had taken a mud bath in it. And he was all embarrassed standing in the bathroom in shorts and a creepy white tank top. Thankfully, that part of the dream ended quickly. He was my least favorite part of Seinfeld.

Next I encountered Richard Castle (hello Nathan Fillion) and Becket (from the show Castle, in case you were confused). Yes, they were in character as were the other Castle actors and I was involved in whatever case they were investigating, but somewhere in the middle of the scene Becket told Castle she was pregnant, and it wasn't clear if it was his baby or someone else's, and I never got my answer because I woke up. Really? What am I supposed to do with that information now?

I fell back asleep and my dreams shifted from hockey players and actors to musicians. I remember talking to someone about a Green Day concert at Shoreline (a show I actually did see in real life last year) but it seemed that in the dream I had tickets but didn't actually go, and it was like I forgot to go. Yeah. Like THAT would ever happen in real life! 

From there I was transported to a Hootie & The Blowfish concert and my sole mission in seeing them was to get a picture with Mark Bryan who I actually have met in real life. I had this big plan to walk up to him and say, "Hey, remember me? We met at Robert Hicks' guitar pull outside of Franklin a few years ago." And then of course he would be like, "Of course!", because why wouldn't he remember me? (that's him on the right in the photo below)

But I never got to see him and then the band shifted to Third Day and I was talking to Mark Lee who plays guitar for them. What's with these guys named Mark who have last names that could easily be first names? Interesting. I wandered away while they were playing then came back and leaned back in a chair and closed my eyes and harmonized with the awesomeness of Mac Powell's voice. 

And then I woke up for good. Yep. That's it. My own personal crazy dreams strike again. 

Until I dream again...

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

In my dreams, I plot evil's overthrow with the cast of Sports Night...

So it's 2:43 in the morning and I just woke up from another dream straight out of crazy land. I don't remember a lot, but here's the gist of it. I was embroiled (gotta admit, I love that I just typed the word embroiled at this hour)...yes, embroiled in some sort of good vs. evil game where the evil was some sort of cult and the good was me and the cast of Sports Night. Yeah. Sports Night.

We were in groups of three and in different colored t-shirts. I was in red. Casey (played by the ever-so-awesome Peter Krause) was in blue and was on the evil team but had apparently realized it wasn't a good idea and we had some sort of secret signals going on between us that ensured I would win the battles against him, thus pushing us forward to winning the overall war. And it appeared that if the good side won we'd all be released. Dana was also there (the please-could-she-be-any-better Felicity Huffman) and she was in orange, which was the known good side. Jeremy (the wow-where-did-this-guy-come-from-greatness known as Joshua Malina) was there, but didn't appear to be on either team, but was somehow helping the good side in his perfectly quirky Jeremy way. His girlfriend Natalie (the wonder-what-she's-doing-now Sabrina Lloyd) was on the good team, and I think she was wearing red like me. She was her typical neurotic self. Those are the only characters I remember seeing, and I couldn't tell you who the other evil players were. They didn't seem significant.

I remember a vague journey through a lunchroom of sorts that looked more like the eating area from a ski lodge, and I remember us making serious eye contact as we lay on the floor of another room, somehow plotting our overthrow. I don't even know what the game was that we were playing, but it was three on three, and when I beat Casey, we shook hands and it was clear that he and I were leading this effort. We held hands for a few seconds too long and exchanged some sort of little rocks. I just remember he smiled a little and so did I and that's how we knew. When the good had won more than the evil in this little room we were released and were all breathing very slowly and deeply as we walked outside and Casey just kept saying, "Three more wins. Three more wins." Because apparently if we won three more times we'd win the whole thing and the good would be released from the evil.

I'm just assuming we won since I woke up at that point and am now sitting here typing this. But really? I haven't watched Sports Night in ages, but it is without a doubt one of my all-time favorite shows. And you can never go wrong with Peter Krause gracing the screens of anything, especially your own mind, right?

Anyway, that's it. Yet another installment of, my own personal crazy.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

In my dreams, I get nothing signed by Matt Nathanson...

It's been a long time since Matt Nathanson graced the corners of my dreams, but I just woke up from a short snippet that was entertaining enough to share.

I was at some sort of idea what...and remember standing in line to get my parking validated. When I got to the front I turned my parking ticket over and stuck a validation sticker on the back then handed it to the checkout lady. She looks it over and tells me it's going to be $2.50. I hand her a five-dollar bill and she hands me back $11.50. I'm like, "you gave me too much," and hand her back one of the five-dollar bills thinking at first that she'd given me a five and two ones. She giggles and thanks me, then I realize the other bill is a five and hand it back and ask her for a one. She's clearly confused and takes the five then hands me a ten, and this goes on for another few seconds until I get the right change. Crazy.

The dream then shifts and I'm standing in line waiting for Matt to sign something, but it's not like I was at a concert; it's more like he's at a street fair and people are getting things signed. Very strange. So there are two people in front of me - and really they were more to the side of me - and I'm totally eavesdropping on their conversations with Matt. He's sitting at a desk like you'd see in grade school, where it's connected to the chair, and he's got a large poster board in front of him that he's writing on. And it's almost like he's drawing a caricature and not really signing things at all. The woman he's talking to at first is leaning in and he draws a cartoon bubble like he's going to write dialogue in it. And he's saying something about President Bush and they laugh, but he doesn't actually write anything and then she leaves. Then a man starts talking to him, and he's just prattling on and on about nothing and it's very clear that Matt wants to leave and be free of him, but he's listening and trying to be nice and then I start to doodle on a corner of the paper and draw my own cartoon bubbles that look more like fuzzy circles, and this guy can't finish his thoughts and Matt is going crazy. Eventually, Matt says he has to go and that he'll be back the next day, and then he just packs it up and leaves.


Sunday, May 29, 2011

In my dreams, I hang with Craig T. Nelson, Lady Gaga and Justin Timberlake

So I just woke up from a dream where I was fly fishing with Craig T. Nelson. Yes. That's right. The dream wasn't terribly long, but basically, I was standing on the edge of very wide river, and I cast my line. And it appeared that I was almost doing it out of spite because CTN was going to go regular fishing, but then he pulled out a fly rod and joined me. On my second cast though, my line got caught in a tree and I had to cut it down, and it lost the fly so I had to think about how to get a new one on there. During the time I was cutting it down, CTN sent some kid to his trailer to get a new fly. No idea who the kid was, but then I went to the trailer and let myself in and started looking around for his tackle box so I could fix my line. He joined me a minute later and we opened a large tackle box that actually had live bait in it and we each took a small paper cup and plunged it into this box to get some new bait. Not sure why we needed bait since we were fly fishing, but then again, I'm not sure why I was doing any sort of fishing in my dream. After I had my cup full of bait, tiny little minnows, I woke up. If I had been watching A River Runs Through It before I went to bed, or maybe even Parenthood, I might understand why I dreamed this, but I have no freaking idea. However, it's not quite as bizarre as the dream I had just before it.

In the prior dream, I was in a huge department store. And I mean HUGE! Like 20 or 30 floors. It was insane. And I'm not exactly clear why I was there, but it was became apparent at some point that I was there to do something for Lady Gaga. Like I was filling in for someone. And so as I was sitting somewhere in the store one of her people said I should come down, and I told them I'd be there when I was finished, and I seemed bothered by it. And so I was sitting on a bench talking to some other people and one of those people just happened to be Justin Timberlake. And we were talking about some other musician and I was irritated that the other musician was becoming an actor and said to Justin something like, "Yeah. Wouldn't it be nice if these musicians who start acting actually made music again." And he thinks it's funny and we all laugh, and then Gaga joins us, and she's dressed like a regular person, not like her normal Gaga self, and we're all talking for a while and then I leave to go with her to do whatever it is I'm supposed to do. And that's all there was to that. But I at least get how Gaga and JT were in my brain after last week's SNL. Not sure about the department store part, but whatever.

And I didn't even take any medicine to get me into this crazy dream state today! Nope. I'm just CRAZY!!

Friday, May 27, 2011

In my dreams, there are lycans, phones, windows, doors and gloves...

Yeah, so it's a little after a midnight and I'm awake after some bizarre little dream snippets. I blame this completely on the Claritin, Advil and Pseudophed that I took to try to get rid of the headache that I still have. In addition, I blame part of it on falling asleep watching Bones.

Snippet #1:

I was in Bones, or working with the Bones team, or whatever. And there was a woman that looked like a mannequin Hodgens had seen, and we all thought he was crazy, but then somehow we knew he wasn't and we knew that this wasn't a woman but a woman who turned into some sort of creature like a lycan/werewolf. Yeah. I know. But it was a dream, what do you want? some point, this woman turns into this creature, and it's scary but fascinating, and there some sort of time limit involved where after she's gone we all have hair everywhere and have to get it off before something bad will happen, though I'm not clear what. There were also window shades involved, one of which I tried to close, and it was for a tiny window and it was maroon and vertical and way up high, and it seemed like my effort in closing it was rather large.

Snippet #2:

I'm in my house, though not my actual house, some random dream house, and the phone rings and the caller id says it's Jon somebody, and so I answer. Not because I know Jon somebody but because it seems like I should. And the guy says something like, "This is Jon calling for Carrie." And I answer that this is Carrie, and he starts talking about some sort of service that would be for an office, not a home, and so I stop him and say that he's reached a residence not a place of business, and he's shocked by this. Like he simply can't believe I'm not a business. And then he asks me something and it starts to freak me out, like maybe he knew I wasn't a business and was trying to find something out. And somehow in the middle of a sentence I pull the cord and disconnect him. And then the front door blows open, and the screen is open on the outside, and for that split second it IS my actual house. I kick the door closed, but it won't stay, so I examine it more closely and try to figure out how to close it. And then I decide to go outside and get the mail.

Snippet #3:

I'm at some sort of event, and both of my parents are there and it almost seems like they're still married, but I'm grown and it's confusing even in the dream. And there's a stage, and it's like it's at the front of a church, and suddenly I'm supposed to go up on it and dance with my dad, and we both think it's ridiculous and I trip going up the stairs because I'm laughing so much and for some reason we both have on gloves. My mom's sitting at a round table on the stage pushing us to the dance and so we both take off the gloves and start to dance, like some sort of waltz, which is foreign to both of us, and my mom's talking to us from the table as we try to make this happen despite the laughter, and it's all very hard. And then we make a turn and across the stage is my grandfather, also wearing gloves, and then there's some sort of scene, like he's going to do something on the stage, but no one's quite sure what. And then, Praise God, I woke up. 

I mean, what in the world??? My brain is seriously cracked. It's not like I took all that medicine at once today. It was spread out from 8am to 8pm. Can you say crazy? Yes. I thought you could.

UPDATE: And the fun continues! I fell back asleep only to wake up nearly two hours later from this little gem of a dream...

My mom and I were in an airport waiting idea what airport and no idea where we'd been or where we were going, but there we were, in the airport waiting to leave. And while we were waiting I was on my laptop trying to book another ticket, though again, I have no idea where I was going. However, I booked a ticket from Dallas to somewhere on Alaska Airlines. And then I got really frustrated because I'd booked it from Dallas instead of San Jose, but it was non-refundable so then I was trying to find a flight from San Jose to Dallas on Southwest but they were routing me through Chicago and it wasn't going to get me to Dallas on time so I just gave up and said I'd try again later. And then a gate attendant person gave us our boarding passes and we'd been upgraded to First Class, so that was nice, but there was something strange about it and my mom and I weren't really sure what, but we just went with it. Then I decided I needed to go to the bathroom, so I gathered my things together and had somehow left my shoes in the middle of the aisle, spread out with tons and tons of stuff. My mom and I had bags everywhere! Anyway, my shoes were in the middle of the aisle and a very tall man using two canes and making jokes about how he couldn't walk well nearly tripped on one, and I felt horrible, but he just laughed and his wife just shook her head. I slipped my feet into my shoes and started my search for the bathroom. We'd seen one earlier, so I left the lounge area and went looking for it, but passed it somehow and ended up walking a little further to the next bathroom where a camera crew was filming some sort of news clip and I couldn't get in, so I had to go back and I never did find the bathroom and then I woke, because you know, I had to go to the bathroom!!

ANOTHER UPDATE: When I finally woke up for good I woke up from a horrible dream where I was running from some sort of mechanical spider that was going up and down a tree making this terrible clicking noise. There were several people with me, and it's almost like this was sort of alien being or something because we were scared. We gathered some things from the house and got in the car and drove to what appeared to be my great grandparents farm in Texas, and for a second, the house looked like it, but then we turned the corner and it was HUGE! And looked nothing like their real house did. And inside it was like a museum with stuff everywhere, and I was touring people around showing them where I played as a kid, including a playroom under a staircase. 

Seriously, I don't think I've ever had so many crazy dreams in one night. I'm almost afraid to close my eyes later tonight!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

In my dreams I ride in a school bus, hear Todd Carey and want Chick-fil-A...

I vaguely remember the first part of this dream...I was at a movie theatre, but then got picked up by a friend and proceeded to get into the school bus/winnebago thing he was driving. Inside said vehicle were his kids and a whole bunch of their friends. Meanwhile, his kids and their friends are all grown, one of them is even married in real life, but there they were, inside this vehicle...let's just go ahead and call it a bus.

So he's driving, and his daughter is in the passenger seat, but there's a seat between, so I slip in and we start to go. I attempt to sleep, but it's futile. I chat with his daughter for a while then move to the first bench of seating and pull out some crazy notebook that's long and skinny and has various activities/tasks on games you'd play when you're on a cross country road trip or something. I'm just sitting there flipping through it and then I hear a Todd Carey song coming from the boys behind me, and they're asking who sings it, and I'm telling them It's Todd Carey and am stunned that they're listening to it and more stunned that they like it. Because these are boys who like hip hop and r & b. But I go with it as the song plays.

Then as it plays, my friend's son starts talking about the lyrics to another Todd Carey song, asking if they are, in fact, from a Todd Carey song, and again I'm stunned and I'm like, "Yeah. And how do you even know that song?" And he just smiles and laughs and I have a new appreciation for him and his friends. 

At some point, my friend leaves the driver's seat and goes to the back of the bus to talk with the girls sitting back there, and no one's actually driving but we seem to be staying on the road. I reach into my bag and pull out my laptop and open it like I'm about to do something sneaky, which of course I'm not, but I open it and the boys are asking me all kinds of questions about it, but I'm sort of ignoring them, then end up closing it and putting it back in the bag.

Meanwhile, my friend's daughter decides she better take control of the bus because, in fact, we are about to go off the road, so she moves into the driver's seat and I sit in the passenger seat and neither of us are clear why her dad hasn't come back up front yet. 

We pull into a town and it is now clear that we're in Wyoming. Well sure. And there's a Chick-fil-A, but we don't stop, and I'm instantly bitter that there are no Chick-fil-A's where we live, but it's a short-lived bitterness as we keep driving.

Finally her dad comes back up, and takes over the wheel, and something's up, but we're not sure what, then we learn that someone has spent $80,000 and there's no money left and now we have to find out what happened.

And then...I woke up...And that my friends, is my own personal crazy.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

In my dreams I...well, you'll just have to read this one...

In the beginning of my dream I was on a train - is it just me, or do I dream a lot about trains? - and I was taking up two whole rows of seats with my stuff. The train wasn't full so it didn't seem to be a problem, but I had a LOT of stuff, including an egg carton filled with donut holes that someone had given me. Yeah. You read that right. Pretty sure I'm gonna need a donut in a minute after eating them in my dream. Anyway...the train pulls into the station, and I think we were in Denver, but I can't be sure. I got off the train and left all my stuff on it, because apparently I was going to be getting back on after the layover. The problem was, that once I was upstairs, I got lost. And I couldn't find my way back to the train or all my stuff. There were three different sets of trains, but I couldn't figure out which one was the right one. I asked a lady coming up one of the ramps if she could help and she started talking to me in sign language so I couldn't understand anything. I was crying very hard in my dream, trying to figure out where I was going, and no one would help me. 

I then found myself on a street and was going to cross back to the train station. The street corner was decorated like some crazy Christmas town, with a Christmasy mailbox and fake snow, and I don't even think I was supposed to be standing where I was, but I pushed the button to cross the street then just ran across after a group of teenagers. 

I followed them into what appeared to be a train station - there was a ticketing machine and everything - but it turned out to be nothing of the sort. Every door was narrow and I had to squeeze through, and literally every person stared at me like I didn't belong there, which clearly I didn't. I went down an incredibly steep and winding set of blue stairs and ended up in an eatery of sorts where again, everyone stared at me. I left there and was in a laundry room, and then ended up in some sort of gaming room where, apparently, a giant gaming event was about to happen. I rushed around the room looking for the train and realized I was in the wrong place, and as people stared again, I went back through everything I'd just come through and got back to the top to look for my train again, which I never found and then woke up.

When I got back to sleep, my dreaming continued, but was a little more disjointed. At one point I was in a room about to watch a movie, and I was with a guy and his daughter, and I was telling him that a friend of mine had seen the premiere of the movie in LA and that all the characters were there. It seemed important and interesting at the time. Now it seems lame. We weren't in a theatre, which was weird, but in small room with regular chairs and some tall tables.

And then I saw an old friend from high school, and some other friends from other times in my life, and they were all leaving the room and doing something outside, but it's like they didn't see me. I was just watching them, and it made me sad. Then I leaned back in the room to see if they were ready to start and some random guy tells me they got Whitney Houston, so I go back in and sure enough, there she sits, in a shiny green dress. And this is young Whitney, Whitney that could sing the lights out of a room, Whitney before she went crazy...but she seems kinda bothered to be there, or maybe she was confused, but we chat for a minute and then the scene morphs. 

Next thing I know I'm talking with the guy again, who I guess I was dating, but things weren't going well. We sat down on a bench, and he picked up his daughter so she was between us, and then he proceeds to get mad because I didn't put my arm around him, and then I was mad because he didn't put his arm around me, and he got all defensive saying he had his daughter and he couldn't do everything, so I put my arm around him and leaned on his shoulder, but it was quite clear that wasn't going to last very long. The scene then morphed and we were back in the room and there were a number of elderly folks there and they were watching video tapes and laughing and dancing and it was actually quite awesome.

I'm sort of thankful I woke up after all of that because wow. That was a whole lot of crazy for one night! And I didn't even take any Benadryl!!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

In my dreams Buster Posey doesn't play on Opening Day...

It's probably no secret to anyone that knows me that I'm excited for baseball season to start, so it's not all that surprising that I would dream about going to a Giants game. I've been trying to figure out how to get Opening Day tickets for the last couple of weeks and so far, it's not happening. But, in my dreams, I got to go.

So, the dream started with my friend Jill and I sitting in the stands at AT&T Park on a beautiful Opening Day. And the fans were excited! And then we learned that Buster Posey, last season's Rookie of the Year and one of the major stars of the team, would not be playing. And we were not pleased. 

Then, we see that Buster is sitting in the stands with his dad, and he seems perfectly healthy and capable of playing. A few seconds later we're standing next to him and listening to him tell people that he's got some stuff to deal with, some personal stuff with his lady - yes, he called his girlfriend his lady, which is totally whack because he's married and I honestly can't imagine him saying the words "my lady". And it's like it's no big deal. He's just not playing because he's got stuff going on with her.

And then she appears, and is clearly pregnant, but no one's actually saying the words, and she seems perfectly fine and is actually quite friendly. She was blonde and wearing a black shirt very similar to one I have hanging in my closet. He's wearing a black sweatshirt and his hair is all shaggy and weird looking and his dad is just standing there not saying anything as we talk to Buster's lady.

Ummm...what? First of all...there's no way Buster would not play on Opening Day unless he was injured, and if he was injured, he'd still be sitting in the dugout. Second of all...he would not be so casual about any of this because he's just not that casual about anything. And third of all...who hooked us up with these tickets for Opening Day? dreams are crazy!

Monday, January 31, 2011

In my dreams I shop for boots and get a McDonald's Coke...

It's no secret to anyone that knows me that I don't really like shoes. If I had my druthers I'd wear flip flops every day for every occasion, so the idea that in my dream I'd be shopping for boots is just plain ridiculous. Nonetheless...

The dream started with me looking at ankle know, the ones that barely cover the ankle and show off your leg if you bend over or cross your legs. I've never really understood these boots, but in my dream, this is what I was looking for. And I found two pair, one black and one brown, that were absolutely gorgeous. But I wasn't sure so I called in my good friend Tasha who is a boot afficiando, and she was less than impressed. She agreed that they were beautiful shoes, but was also concerned about how if you bent over or crossed your legs that they were just sort of there looking strange. We actually had quite a lengthy discussion about how they only reason I was really looking at boots at all was to cover my feet, not to keep my legs warm, but somehow she convinced me to get a taller boot, though not knee height. I don't think I was very excited about this and in the end, I didn't come away with any boots. That part seemed real, because there's truly no reason I'd ever spend my money on boots of any height.

The dream then morphed to me being in my old hometown of Laramie and I was running late for something, heading toward some school, though I wasn't sure which one. It's not that there are so many in Laramie, but there are enough to need to know where you're headed. Anyway...I was driving down Grand and decided to take a detour through McDonald's because I was certain I couldn't survive the day without a Coke. This part of the dream was actually very close to reality because I often make this sort of detour on my way to work now. Anyway...I pulled into the drive-through and as I did, I heard someone singing, and when I looked into the window to see who it was it was my old friend David from Laramie who actually used to work at McDonald's (oh yeah, I worked there too at one point in time) and then I think switched to Burger King at some point, but it was like I wasn't supposed to be there and he was surprised to see me when I waved from the drive-through lane. He stopped singing but I told him to finish then ordered a well done hashbrown and a medium Coke with extra ice. And yes, that's my normal order for breakfast at McDonald's. 

Next thing I know I'm inside the restaurant getting the Coke and it keeps spilling on me because the lid won't stay on and as I'm trying to get it to stay one of David's daughters (who I don't know at all in real life and have no idea if this was his real daughter or not) started talking to me, and she worked there too. I started talking to her so I could figure out which school I was supposed to be going to since apparently I was going there to see one of her sisters. Sure. Why not? She told me and then I finally got the lid to stay on my cup and left the restaurant. 

That's all there was though since the alarm rang about that time and woke me up before I even got a sip of the Coke. And yeah, I don't think I need to tell you that I'll be stopping at McDonald's on my way to work this morning because I'm practically salivating right now.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

In my dreams, I get on the wrong train and eat pie...

So in this dream, a friend and I were in Philadelphia and we were heading to a concert. We were walking into the train station, and I walked through the normal entry but he decided to be "cool" and run up a ramp and bypass the line. It was pretty clear in the dream that this was something he did on a regular basis. I rolled my eyes as he ran by then got my ticket and started walking toward the train. Meanwhile, he got on the train and it started to pull away. He was standing there looking for me and I caught his eye and waved as he pulled away. I was irritated.

I got to the train, which looked very different than the train he'd just gotten on and before I realized it, I was on it but trying to get off because it was clearly the wrong train. But I was too late. So, there I was, on the wrong train, irritated with my friend and unsure where I was headed. I figured I'd just get off at the next stop, get back on another train going the other direction then figure out how to get back to where I was supposed to be going.

A minute later this open air train was soaring over water and I almost fell off. I realized I had to hang on a little more carefully as we flew. Yes. The train was flying. And it was beautiful. There was a river and lots of trees, but I still needed to get off.

When we pulled to a stop, back on the ground and in front of a little shopping center in the middle of the countryside, I asked the conductor when another train would be by going the other direction. He said it would be 10 minutes or so. So I got off and looked around for where the stop was on the other side of the road. When I turned around the train was gone and I was standing in front of a restaurant that looked much like an Armadillo Willy's. I was hungry but wasn't sure how much time I had, so I decided to get French fries and a Coke, but when I got to the counter, they talked me into getting pie. Apparently it was only a dollar. As the guy was putting the pie on my plate, I woke up.

And frankly, now I just want pie.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

In my dreams I push little kids...

It's no secret to anyone that knows me that I'm not really a kid person. I don't have any. I don't want any. And I'm just as happy to go about my life without being involved with any. There are a few I like, kids of friends, but these are rare and exceptional children. No thank you, I don't need to hold the baby. Just not my thing. I couldn't be happier for my friends with kids. Truly. It's just not my thing. I never had one of those biological clocks, so I guess it's no surprise that I would push a child in my dream. Please understand that I have never and would never do this in real life. Never.

In this dream I was in Canada. This is already crazy because I've never been to Canada and have no plans of visiting. Lately all I do is despise Canada because of its dirty hockey teams, but that's really a separate issue. Anyway...I was in Canada in some boutique in what may have been a hotel. I was with friends, but they left and I wandered through the store and found a bathroom. Apparently I couldn't wait to get back to my hotel room. 

The bathroom was tucked away in a corner and its door was a plush velvet curtain, attached by a magnet of some sort. I was a little leary about it, but went in nonetheless. I set my keys on a small stool inside and proceeded to, well, you know, go to the bathroom. 

As I was sitting there, a woman, a grandmotherly type, pulled the curtain open, and I was like, "I'll be just a minute!" and pulled the curtain closed. Mortifying. A second later, the woman is opening the curtain again and sitting down on the stool! What?!?! And then the child she was with practically jumps into the bathroom and I just pushed her down. Seriously. Pushed her and yelled at her that she had to wait. The grandmother meanwhile didn't even flinch. 

I woke up about a second after that, probably because I actually had to go to the bathroom, but probably a little due to the shock that people were encroaching on my space and that I pushed a child to the ground. 

I'm not terribly worried about the deep psychological meaning behind this dream, but you can bet I'll never go to a bathroom that's secured by just a curtain ever in my life.