Saturday, June 27, 2009

In my dreams, I live outside

I just woke up from a (typical) land-of-the-bizarre dream. In this morning's scenario, my couch and TV, as well as my end table (which I don't actually have), were some sort of public venue...where there was grass and big tables with chairs. And I was sleeping on my couch, and people moved my TV to watch it while I was snoozing, and when I woke up (in the dream), I moved the couch back to its proper to the mailbox...that's right. The mailbox. But I couldn't figure out how to move the TV or how it got moved in the first place. And then, a parade began to form...which is why there were so many other people around. And then I woke up for real...where I was sleeping on the couch...after falling asleep watching TV.

My brain is cracked!

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