Thursday, August 20, 2009

Um, what?

The dream I just woke up from contained a snake, some sort of mini lochness type snake thing with a giant head and a skunk.

  • Um, what?

In addition, a former co-worker that I always liked barged into my office with a big 'tude not wanting to help me with anything but wanting my organizational diagrams which I informed her I'd done myself since no one else could possibly do anything.

  • Seriously, what?

Plus I lived in a total hole...tiny and icky...and said creatures from above were loitering on the back porch which looked like it hadn't been dealt with for about 27 years.


  1. It's either something you ate or you need a good three day weekend. Oh wait....

  2. I hope I'm the Loch Ness creature!

  3. Well, I ate chicken fingers and french fries for dinner...seems pretty normal...oh wait, there was also salad...that must have sent my brain over the edge!

    And Robyn...funny...I might start calling you Nessie-O... :-)

  4. Ewwwww!!!!!!!

    Is it wrong that your comment has made me want chicken fingers at 10am?

  5. Interesting...has someone at work (salad shape-shifting into snake/skunk creature) been bugging you? Or is it just your frustration about having to do other people's jobs for them (org charts) and of course they never thank you (the 'tude), plus having to be responsible for stuff (that large lochness body of water) you can't really control? Am I anywhere close? Or am I way off-base and it's really just about the chicken? Ha!
