Saturday, August 28, 2010

In my dreams, I win money

In my dream, I won $70,000. That's right. $70,000. I don't understand the amount either, but hey, if it happened in real life, I'd take it. And I'd buy a much cooler car than I've been thinking about buying. In my dream, however, I was having a really hard time figuring out what to buy. In fact, at first, it seemed like I could only buy stuff from the place where I won the money, which was some sort of restaurant - maybe even an Applebee's now that I think about it. So, I started by picking out gift cards of all different values for various things - Southwest and Disney are the two I remember picking. That really seemed to be the best I could do. And then, I was no longer in that restaurant but was roaming about some town with my mom and my grandfather, and maybe even my dad, which is weird since my parents haven't been married for over 25 years, but whatever. And we come upon Morton's and my mom and I both lament how we want to go but it's too expensive. Apparently I forgot I'd just won all that money. But then we just decide to go, and it's in this cool building that's attached to a parking garage - it's all made of very dark brick and looks really slick. And so we start to head in that direction, but then I suddenly remember that I've won the money and have left all the gift cards I picked out back at the other restaurant. And then, as I was thinking about it, I thought about buying a car but didn't know how to go about doing it. And I was just starting to go back up to the clerk at the counter - because somehow I back in the first place - to ask about it when I woke up. And now I kinda want a steak...

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