Thursday, August 5, 2010

In my dreams, I sleep through U2 and Rob Thomas laughs

So, I woke up from another crazy dream this morning, starring me, a friend and U2...Rob Thomas and and another friend also made an appearance. 

So I had a ticket to U2 and it was the second night in a row I was seeing them. My friend bought a ticket from someone on the street...and ended up paying only $71 (yes, $71!!) and it was a front row seat. My seat was high up, and oh yeah, Maroon 5 was opening for them - yes, whack.

So the concert gets going and I fall asleep. Like SOUND asleep and sleep through pretty much the whole concert. Clearly a dream!! But at some point, my friend was in this crazy costume and was part of the show, and it was HILARIOUS! She was in this silvery outfit and was roaming all around with other people in silvery outfits, and then I was awake and sitting on the front row of a different section, with my other friend and, oh yes, Rob Thomas right next to us. 

While we were waiting for our silvery friend, I was talking to her about the other concerts we were going to...Rob Thomas, Green Day, and also mentioned I had two others besides those (that would be Todd Carey and I don't know what else, because that's the only other one in the same time frame - and yes, we really are going to see Rob Thomas and Green Day in real life; and I'm seeing Todd Carey too). Rob Thomas was laughing to our right, but I'm not sure he heard us, and when I tried to say something, it was clear he was on the phone and totally ignoring us, so then we just left. and then my alarm went off.

Completely cracked. Yep. That's me.

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