Friday, June 4, 2010

In my dreams I sing with Bon Jovi and have a million iPods

Oh you mess with my brain...In the 3 1/2 hours I slept last night, I did have a rather crazy dream...I do believe I'm obsessed with celebrity...but I digress...

So, first of all, I had 5 iPod shuffles...the ones that are the clip...and they are that electric blue color (much like the one I own). I was at some sort of event, and I handed these out to people to try. Like I was some sort of iPod guru trying to convince them they needed one. So, some people start playing with them, and then they sort of get strewn about and end up under a table in some sort of line, and then there's a dog playing with them. Yes. A dog. And so I crawled under the table to retrieve them and when I got up to look for the last one or two, people just started bringing me iPods of all shapes and sizes. Nanos, classics, old, new, but all either red or white. So I have this armful of iPods and I walk into another building which is sort of like a trailer but huge and then I don't have them anymore. 

Then, I'm with a friend - honestly can't remember who now, but I did know her, and she's informing me that I'll be singing such and such a song with Bon Jovi. And this seemed like a surprise to me, but then Jon walked up and he just starts talking to me about how we're going to do it and it seems perfectly he's going to the sing the first verse and chorus and then I should sing the second and he'll harmonize with me. 

Seriously. I couldn't make this stuff up people! 

And so then he sits down on these random folding chairs and I wander around this trailer/makeshift green room and find little silicon cupcake molds and think it's odd, but I put them down and close the cabinet. But then I really wanted a cupcake. By the way, we don't practice the song or anything. We just know it's going to happen. So, a few minutes later, I see David Bryan (Bon Jovi's keyboardist) and he just sort of wanders by. No idea where Richie was. But then Jon gets up to go to the stage and says he'll announce me, and so I wait a second, and then my alarm went off. Dang it!!! Now I'll never know how good we sounded together...


  1. rotfl... so funny, Carrie! (Jenna)

  2. omg i love your dreams! david
