Thursday, June 10, 2010

It's not just me that's crazy!

It's so refreshing to know I'm not the only crazy dreamer out there...please enjoy this guest blog from my friend Jeff...

The other night I had a vivid dream that struck me as both bizarre and funny. This made me instantly think of my friend Carrie who has a blog where she sometimes shares her funny dreams. I shared what my dream was about and she is letting me have a guest post. Thanks Carrie, enjoy.

Axl wants to be my friend.

So there I was hanging out with some friends who somehow were friends with Axl Rose from Guns N' Roses. Axl remembered meeting me one other time and for some strange reason he really wanted to be my friend. He was really amused when I told him the story of how my conservative mother-in-law saw Guns N' Roses open for the Rolling Stones along with Living Color. At the show Axl wore leather pants with the butt cut out (this is the only part of my dream that was true). The Axl in my dream was a much more decently dressed and well-groomed version. He then convinced me to go out to lunch with him to a deli in a seedy part of LA. As he was driving me around in his SUV, he asked me if I would help him revive his music career. I said I would and we ended up at a warehouse with a stage. He then starting performing with a band and for some reason I was sitting high up on the side of the stage. During his performance he climbed above me and jumped off of a ledge expecting me to catch him. I barely did which saved him from falling to his death. At some point we were driving around and Axl took me to a lingerie shop which was attached to a strip club. He seemed to frequent this club and was trying to convince me to go in. I then proceeded to explain why I don't go to strip clubs and he said that he respected me for standing up for what I believe in. The last thing I remember before being woken up by my 4-year-old was walking off into the distance. As a side note, I have never been much of a fan of Guns N' Roses.

Thanks Jeff! Anytime you want to share your crazy again, just let me know...

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