Friday, March 19, 2010

In my dreams, I drive crazy and take care of babies

I have no explanation for any of this...but it's what my brain created overnight...

Dream sequence one: Driving a mini and parking it in the tiniest enclosed garage I've ever seen in my life...backing up far enough to make the back doors of said garage come open, then pulling it up and manually closing those doors. Why? Who knows?

Dream sequence two: Driving an old-school SUV, like a Chevy Blazer or something through a very narrow street which could have been a sidewalk and almost driving it off a cliff; the SUV literally balanced on its nose for a second while I yelled to a guy standing in a store right next to the occurring event and asked for his help. By the time he came out, I'd managed to get all four tires back on the ground, but he got in anyway and then we just drove around.

Dream sequence three: Friends had a baby and for some ridiculous reason they asked me to take care of it while they were away, and not just for an evening, but for days. Another friend was there and he was helping me, and then it was a different couple and a different baby, and then there was a cat.

I think that final segment is what finally woke me up because there's no way in life anyone would ever ask me to take care of their baby for more than an hour. I can't figure out if I need more sleep, or just better sleep, but man, these dreams lately are insane!

Welcome, once again, to my own personal crazy...


  1. I quit trying to figure out what's up with my dreams. Most of them are bothersome, like having a creepy coworker drive me to strange places in Indiana to catch the bus.

  2. probably a smart move...the brain is a crazy mysterious thing!
